Jeff Weagley, CCIM
...a Biographical Website
Retail Real Estate
Consulting / Links
Trust Real Estate
WELCOME As you explore this site, you will come to recognize me as a multi-talented professional who has a unique repertoire seldom found in real estate. While most of my contemporaries specialize in one area of the real estate industry, my experience and proficiencies are much broader in scope.
I have owned and operated Weagley Ltd., a full service real estate brokerage and consulting firm, since 1983. My approach to business is comprehensive and I have offered a full range of real estate services that include: commercial, residential, vacant land, apartments, and property management. My clients have been individuals, investors, trusts, estates, attorneys, CPA’s, and major corporations.
Concurrent to operating Weagley Ltd., I have been a salaried employee in corporate real estate, a fee-based consultant to oil companies, a licensed general contractor, and volunteered on economic development and homeowner’s association boards. Through these varies experiences, I have acquired broad-based knowledge in a variety of disciplines – an invaluable benefit to my customers.
My high ethical standards, attention to detail, and advanced skills will provide you with a diverse level of expertise rarely found in the real estate industry.
 An exciting change came about in August 2012 when I accepted the role of Senior Land Representative for Williams Company (NYSE: WMB) in Tulsa, Oklahoma
A few of my responsibilities include the following:
* Negotiate and acquire land related to energy infrastructure construction projects * Conduct research and prepare land-related contracts * Develop project-specific land acquisition plans * Manage third-party land services providers while tracking and reporting land acquisition progress to key stakeholders * Contribute Right of Way expertise and coordinate land activities with engineering, survey, permitting and construction professionals * Currently manage all Right of Way activities on four petrochemical pipeline projects in the Gulf Coast region
Williams is an energy infrastructure company focused on connecting North America’s significant hydrocarbon resource plays to growing markets for natural gas, natural gas liquids (NGLs) and olefins. Williams’ operations span from the deepwater Gulf of Mexico to the Canadian oil sands.
Williams owns and operates midstream gathering and processing assets, and interstate natural gas pipelines. In addition, Williams processes oil sands off-gas and produces olefins for petrochemical feedstocks.
In all business dealings, I am committed to exceeding your expectations and look forward to working with you. Please contact me anytime.
Williams Company email:
Personal email:
Oklahoma: 918-260-9137 eFax: 918-550-8172 New Mexico: 505-292-5000
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Jeff Weagley, CCIM Weagley Ltd. PO Box 52676 Tulsa, OK 74152-0676
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CA Real Estate Broker's Lic # 01859037 NM Real Estate Broker's Lic # 6939 NM General Contractor's Lic # 24147
Commercial Real Estate
I am proud to have been a CCIM since 1997.
A Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) is a recognized expert in the disciplines of commercial and investment real estate. In addition to proven industry experience, the CCIM Institute confers the CCIM designation to commercial real estate professionals through an extensive curriculum of 200 classroom hours followed by a comprehensive examination. The CCIM education program addresses financial analysis, market analysis, user decision analysis and investment analysis – the cornerstones of commercial investment real estate.
Only 6 percent of the estimated 150,000 commercial real estate practitioners nationwide hold the CCIM designation, which reflects not only the caliber of the program, but also why it is one of the most coveted and respected designations in the industry.
Through my company’s commercial brokerage operations, I offer my clients the following:
• Expertise in all aspects of leasing and sales activities, including collaboration with landlords, owners, tenants and buyers from the point of first contact to closing
• Experienced in all property types including land, residences, apartments, retail centers, office buildings and industrial warehousing/manufacturing
• Negotiate, write and review complex real estate documents, proposals and presentations including: purchase contracts, letters of intent, long-term lease documents, listing agreements, sales contracts, exchange agreements, financial analysis, Power Point presentations and closing statements
• Meet with and advise representatives of governments and private parties concerning short- and long-range plans for business, and the sales, purchases, exchanges or leases of real property
• Knowledge of all forms of realty documents including surveys, legal descriptions, encroachments, easements, rights of way, title review and interpretation, partial releases, third party condemnations, and quiet title actions
• Comprehensive understanding of all types of realty legal interests including fiduciary responsibilities, trusts, restrictions, zoning laws, regulations, liens and encumbrances
• Expertise in managing multiple-transaction portfolios of real estate acquisitions and dispositions
• Assemble teams of qualified attorneys and appraisers to ensure sales and leases conform to local requirements and are fair market value
• Develop, plan, and adhere to space plan requirements and renovation plans in cooperation with owners and customers. Confirm A.D.A. (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance. Prepare site evaluations, space analysis and demographic reports
• Perform sophisticated market research, projections, trend analyses, forecasts, including site searches, evaluations, and selections for local and remote locations
• Compliance with regulatory and procedural guidelines for leasing, sales and property development
• Conduct appraisal reviews, consult with the asset management division and utilize a contact management system
• Supervision of staff in the production of marketing plans and materials for print and electronic distribution
• Cost estimating, redevelopment, and contracting for major alterations, in both the private and public sector
• Interpreting boundary and topographic surveys, maps, engineering and construction documents
• Coordinating complex construction projects, hire and promote subcontractors, assist with space planning, utilization, permitting, project budgets, layout and design
• Accomplished at coordinating the completion of hundreds of transactions, each requiring team building and leadership, with direct supervision of title company officers, appraisers, surveyors, lenders, trust officers, attorneys and public officials
• Skilled at the intermediation of controversial or contentious issues
A few of my clients include:

Retail Real Estate
Retail Real Estate Retail is often called the glamorous and exciting side of commercial real estate. Whether your business is located in a new and modern development, a steadfast and time-honored location, or at the heart of the next big redevelopment boom, a store brimming with customers is the backbone of the economy – true capitalism at work.
I am fortunate to have represented both landlords and tenants.
On the landlord side, I excel at determining effective tenant mix, attracting new tenants, and retaining existing ones, or weeding out those who don’t belong. Having been a property manager myself, I have an excellent rapport with all parties involved.
On the tenant side, I have helped retailers discover where the market is declining, stable, or growing. There is little I enjoy more than going into a market armed with maps and demographic data in order to determine where people work, live and play and projecting which goods or services they need or want. I find site selection to be truly enjoyable.
And most importantly, I am a top negotiator with an affinity for effectively creating and interpreting LOI and lease terms and conditions. Whether representing the landlord or tenant, getting the best deal for the client is my ultimate reward.
I have worked both sides of the fence in retail, both as a broker, and most recently as a corporate employee. For example, as a broker, one of my clients was AT&T Mobility whom I represented throughout New Mexico and in El Paso, Texas. Because of my skills and track record with them in those markets, I became a salaried employee representing them throughout the West. As their employee, I conducted site studies and selections, hired and coordinated brokers, negated leases and renewals, and followed deals through to store openings.
I am proud to have been a member of the International Council of Shopping Centers
Founded in 1957, the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) is the global trade association of the shopping center industry. Its 70,000 members in the U.S., Canada and more than 80 other countries include shopping center owners, developers, managers, marketing specialists, investors, lenders, retailers and other professionals as well as academics and public officials. As the global industry trade association, ICSC links with more than 25 national and regional shopping center councils throughout the world.
The principal aims of ICSC are to advance the development of the shopping center industry and to establish the individual shopping center as a major institution in the community through:
• Promoting the role of shopping centers in the marketing of consumer goods and services
• Establishing codes of fair business ethics and dealings with retailers and consumers and with government and public agencies.
• Encouraging research into the architecture and design of shopping centers and into the development of improved management and maintenance methods.
• Collecting and disseminating information among members pertaining to techniques of profitable operation, which can serve to improve the individual shopping center and the industry.
• Study economic, marketing and promotional conditions affecting the shopping center industry.
• Promoting the prestige and standing of members as reputable specialists in the field of shopping center development and management.
Residential Real Estate I was born into and raised, literally, within the real estate industry. In 1952, my parents opened Weagley Agency Inc., Realtors in Albuquerque, NM, which quickly became the largest and one of the most successful real estate offices in New Mexico. Throughout my childhood and well into my teens, I spent countless hours with my parents while they ran their business. I have fond memories of accompanying my Dad on his daily “run” to title and mortgage companies, and putting up signs and loc boxes, etc. Starting in 7th grade, I was the office janitor and official “listing book updater”. By high school, a buddy and I had a lucrative career working for my dad doing all the labor that went into preparing a house for resale. The labor included cleaning, hauling trash, landscaping, painting, carpentry, and light electrical and plumbing; work that was common place to flipping houses. I must say, those paydays beat the heck out of flipping burgers.
My emersion into real estate did not stop when I went away to college. I decided to major in Real Estate, something that was fairly uncommon at the time. As an alternative to the dorms, my parents had the foresight to buy a duplex near campus, and my end of the deal was to live in one unit and rent the other while doing all the repairs and maintenance. Once there, I realized that an attached two-car garage could easily be converted into my new pad, so my parents provided money for materials and I did all the labor. Thus, the duplex ended up being a tri-plex, collecting twice the monthly rent as when we started. Upon my graduation in 1978, they sold the property for a profit, which meant they actually made money on the housing portion of my college expenses.
For me, college did not teach you how to be successful; it simply taught you HOW to learn. Immediately after college, I went to work for my dad and started learning as much as I could about running a profitable real estate business. Together, we did appraisal work for Citicorp and began listing and selling homes. By the early 1980’s, I was consistently ranked in the top 10% for sales production while building a professional reputation among my clients and peers.
In 1983, I incorporated my own real estate company; Weagley Ltd., and obtained a general contractors license. One of the keys to my success can be attributed to my “techno-geek” skills and abilities. I have always been an early adaptor of emerging technologies. I have had every model of PC imaginable since the Commodore 64 that ran on DOS and every new cell phone since my first “brick”.
I have an extremely unique perspective when it comes to the residential real estate market. I have advanced commercial proficiency, but unlike the majority of my peers, I still work in residential whenever I can. Having never let go of my residential roots, I have developed many lifelong friendships throughout the years as a direct result of listing and selling homes. I find being an integral part of someone’s home buying or selling experience to be exceptionally rewarding.
Asset, Property, and Construction Management Management is another area of the real estate business in which I have excelled. Over the years I have renovated, leased, and managed just about everything from office buildings, shopping centers, warehouses, and medical offices, to apartments, condominiums, and single family homes. My clients have been both landlords and tenants, many of which have been located out of state or out of the country. My landlords have included bank trust departments, attorneys, investors and individual homeowners, while my tenant representation has included Fortune 100 companies to individuals needing government subsidized housing.
I have paid acute attention to detail in handling all aspects of my client’s property. My accounting had been precise, I have monitored legal and property trends and I am constantly updating the most current standard forms and lease terminology. I have worked seamlessly with outside brokers, as well as with my client’s personnel, attorneys, and accountants.
By having a general contractor’s license, coupled with an advanced knowledge of construction, building codes, and the American’s with Disability Act, my clients received unprecedented benefits. Possession of these skills set me apart from my competition.
Consulting / Links
Consulting and Links During my career, I have often gone well beyond the scope of the traditional real estate brokerage arena. Here are some activities I have been involved with:
Oil Industry Consulting - Secured contract to acquire a petroleum products distribution facility
• Met with and brokered an agreement between neighbors, elected officials, and the client
• Achieved a rare 90-day rezoning from farm land to the highest level industrial use
Public Outreach - Administered and scoped for an Environmental Assessment (EA) for Shell Oil
• Participated in team tasked with preparation of a draft EA
• Trained in media relations/crisis communications
• Compiled technical data from the engineering team (corrosion control, in-line inspection, etc.)
• Translated results into laymen’s terms for public scoping meetings
• Planned and proctored meetings then gathered and compiled public comments for the record
Multi-media Production - Conceptualized and launched the Albuquerque CCIM Virtual Bus Tour
• During its ten-year run, this multimedia presentation showcases newly built commercial projects and was attended by over 500 business and industry professionals annually
• Recognized attendance had outgrown the logistical ability to hold a physical bus tour
• Led team in identifying properties, writing scripts, acquiring ground and aerial photography
• Interviewed and hired voice talent/production studio then served as MC at public presentations
Economic Development - Served on several organizational boards
• Hired an executive director and lobbied for and obtained governmental funding for The Estancia Valley Economic Development Association (EVEDA) while serving as charter member and vice president
• Participated in formation of a Business Improvement District (BID) and projects that required Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) while on the Albuquerque Uptown Progress Team
Jeff's email Jeff's Resume Jeff's LinkedIn Page Jeff's Facebook Page Int'l Right of Way Association CCIM Homepage ICSC Homepage National Assoc of Realtors Williams Company
Trust Real Estate
Trust Real Estate The backbone of my real estate business has been representing trust real estate departments, private trust companies, CPA’s, and attorneys. These entities require the highest level of ethics, legal knowledge, and accountability. My ability to retain these relationships year after year allows me to offer my services as a highly qualified professional to new clients representing estates or trusts.
Fiduciary A fiduciary (from Latin fiduciarius, meaning "[holding] in trust"; from fides, meaning "faith", and fiducia, meaning "trust") is a legal or ethical relationship of trust between two or more parties. Typically, a fiduciary prudently takes care of money for another person. One party, for example a corporate trust company or the trust department of a bank, acts in a fiduciary capacity to the other one, who for example has funds entrusted to it for investment. In a fiduciary relationship, one person, in a position of vulnerability, justifiably vests confidence, good faith, reliance and trust in another whose aid, advice or protection is sought in some matter. In such a relation good conscience requires the fiduciary to act at all times for the sole benefit and interest of the one who trusts. (Wikipedia, Fiduciary, (as of January 19, 2013, 03:05 GMT).)
“I have known Jeff Weagley for over 30 years, when he sold me my first investment property. I appreciated his honest and straightforward approach to serving as a real estate agent. He was also well-informed and was a great tutor for a new person in the real estate investment world.
Later, I knew Jeff as an involved citizen who worked hard to improve Albuquerque's municipal assets, including expanding a regional park facility. Our city is better for him having worked here, and I have no doubt that he will bring energy and integrity to any project he works on. I recommend him to you most highly.”
David S. Campbell Chief Administrative Officer City of Albuquerque 505-768-3000 (office) 505-768-3019 (fax) Mayor's Office - 11th Floor City County Building PO Box 1293 Albuquerque, NM 87103 David S. Campbell
“...I have found Jeff to be reasonable, flexible, open-minded, and extremely knowledgeable in all aspects of real estate, construction and project management. He is a dedicated, very hard working and hands-on professional. Not only does he have tremendous vision concerning the highest and best use for a property, he also has the expertise and experience to follow through with accurate estimates of potential costs and the know-how to either manage or do the requisite work himself.
In addition, his knowledge base regarding technology, phones, computers, and the internet is over-the-top.
Personally, I think that Jeff is capable of doing anything he decides to do. Furthermore, if for some hard to conceive reason, he does not know how to do something, I am sure that between the computer and his boatload of common sense, he will figure it out promptly.
Obviously, I cannot recommend Jeff highly enough...”
Joseph W. Peacock Executive Vice President Crest Investment Company (713) 252-9379 600 Travis St. Suite 6800 Houston, Texas 77002 Joseph W. Peacock “Through his extensive network of sources and information Jeff has been of great assistance in achieving goals regarding some fiduciary assets—both commercial and residential. His years of experience undoubtedly jumpstarts any project or task assignment.”
Gary Griggs U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management Specialty Asset Management--Real Estate Services P.O. Box 300, 8th Floor San Antonio, Texas 78291-0300 210/270-5468 210/270-5603 FAX Gary Griggs
“Jeff and I worked together at CBRE for several years. Jeff was the leasing broker, and I was on the property management side of several properties in Albuquerque. Jeff was great at looking at all angles of a deal in order to make it work for both the landlord and tenant. We handled a very challenging assignment with the State of New Mexico, and Jeff did a great job of lining up tenants for the project. I really enjoyed working with Jeff and would recommend him for any assignment.”
Jim Peck, RPA, FMA Senior Director 2009 BOMA International Chairman & CEO CB Richard Ellis | Asset Services 6100 Uptown Blvd. NE, Suite 300 | Albuquerque, NM 87110 T 505 837 4909 | F 505 837 4990
Jim Peck
“I have known Jeff Weagley for over 20 years and have always found him to be very professional in all his dealings. He is extremely knowledgeable about all aspects of the real estate business, having grown up in the business. He established an excellent reputation for himself in his many years in the Albuquerque real estate community and I would highly recommend him to anyone that would be in need of professional real estate services.”
Rich Diller CCIM, SIOR Director Investment, Land, Industrial Maestas &Ward Commercial Real Estate 6801 Jefferson Rd NE, Suite 200 Albuquerque, NM 87109 505.998.5736 // Direct 505.249.7007 // Cell 505.878.0001 // Main 505.878.0002 // Fax
Rich Diller “Jeff is very creative at developing real estate strategies and solutions. His ability to leverage technology is second to none in achieving his clients’ objectives.”
Ken Schaefer Director of Brokerage Services / Associate Broker Grubb & Ellis|New Mexico 2424 Louisiana Blvd NE, Suite 300, Albuquerque NM, 87110 Direct: 505.880.7012| Fax: 505.923.3812 | Main: 505.883.7676
Ken Schaefer
“Jeff is an honorable guy with integrity, smarts and the good sense to know how to work hard and get along with difficult people…like myself. That is an achievement that few real estate brokers have made in my 38 years in the business.”
Paul Silverman Manager & CEO Geltmore, LLC 6211 San Mateo Blvd. NE, Suite 130 Albuquerque, NM 87109-3534 Main Phone: (505) 294-8625 Fax: (505) 294-2225
Paul Silverman
“… Jeff Weagley has all of the skills and qualifications you seek, and he is a person who is humble, honest, enthusiastic, and a pleasure to work with. He has my highest recommendation.”
David R. Lee Lee & Ross, Attorneys at Law 505 Roma Avenue NW Albuquerque, NM 87102-2124 (505) 242-1920 David R. Lee
"When I had properties in New Mexico to sell, I used Jeff on several occasions. In each case, the transactions were expedited in an efficient, professional manner.
However, in the case of one property, there were several aspects of the property which required particular insight on the part of Jeff - my listing agent - to keep me in compliance with some regulations which I was not aware of. Because of this, he saved me substantial legal cost and/or possible liability.
Therefore, I can recommend Jeff most highly as an up-to-date and creative leader in the Real Estate field. He is not just someone who has done it occasionally, but rather, someone who views it as his profession."
Steven Dale Boggs MD, MBA, CPE Chairman, Anesthesiology Catskills Regional Medical Center 133 Lafayette Avenue Suffern, NY 10901-5614 (864) 490-4516
Steven Dale Boggs
“Jeff assisted my company on an energy project involving refined petroleum products storage. Jeff located a property that fit our criteria, worked out the option to purchase, handled the zoning change and conditional use permits. His background and knowledge of real estate enabled him to give us end-to-end service on our project. He is very creative and works hard to get the results his client needs.”
Kenneth L Clagett SR/WA Contract Land Staff Project Right of Way Manager P.O. Box 777157 Henderson, NV 89077 (702) 378-8200 Kenneth L Clagett Top